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Will Shafroth Encourages Exploring Parks Safely in an Opinion Piece for the Orange County Register

In an opinion piece published in the Orange County Register, NPF President and CEO Will Shafroth invites everyone to explore national parks and pack a mask when you do, explaining that we all share in the responsibility to make sure everyone is able to experience parks safely. Read an excerpt from the piece, “Tired of quarantine? Mask up and visit national parks,” below. This opinion piece was picked up in more than 10 publications across California.

“From snow-covered mountain peaks to shaded canyon floors, the winding trails and scenic byways of our national parks have provided Americans room to roam and much needed relief during the pandemic.

People needed a break and parks across the country — big and small, urban and rural — provided just the answer. Even now as the nation contends with the ongoing challenge of COVID-19, the pull of our national parks remains strong.

As we look forward again to the longer, warmer days of spring and summer, I invite Americans to explore these places that belong to all of us. Discover the park trails and historic sites that bring us closer to the natural world and our shared heritage. Set out for adventure in your national parks and, when you go, remember to pack a mask. After all, we share our parks, and we share in the responsibility to make sure everyone is able to experience them safely.

Taking such safety measures helps protect not only you and fellow park goers, but the more than 20,000 women and men of the National Park Service dedicated to operating national park sites located across the country. You see, behind every national park is a talented group of people.”

Read the full piece in the Orange County Register here.