NPF Invests in Park Partner Organizations to Further Capacity-Building Goals
Great Basin National Park
This national park is home to ancient bristlecone pine trees, abundant wildlife, lakes and streams, and limestone caverns, including the stunning Lehman Caves.
The park is located in east-central Nevada near the Utah border and preserves a small representative portion of the Great Basin, the region between the Sierra Nevada and the Wasatch Mountains. Given Great Basin Park's remote location, it's one of the darkest places in the United States and ranger-led astronomy programs are conducted year round.
Park Updates
UpdateNPF’s ParkVentures Program Awards $2.2 Million to Affinity Groups
Update$4.4 Million to Fund 99 Open OutDoors for Kids Projects for 2023 – 2024 School Year, Hitting Program Milestone
UpdateInaugural Cohort of Inclusive Storytelling Grantees Announced
UpdateThe Power of Being Yourself in National Parks
UpdateStrengthening Park Partners